Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Big Oil says: Don't be a hater...

Stop Complaining about Oil

Am I upset about oil? Yes, of course. But does that mean I'm going to point accusing fingers at big oil. No. Oil companies are under pressure from stockholders, especially huge institutional investors, to maintain profit margins. As the cost of crude goes up oil companies are forced to raise the cost of oil. And as much as we the consumer hate eating this oil cost, we have to remember that oil companies are not increasing their "profit margins," only their net profits. Many of those who complain have pensions, IRA's and 401k's who invest in big oil. The same jump in profits that is sticking you at the pump is the same jump responsible for the appreciation in your 401k. So which to you want: Long term appreciation of an interest bearing asset or short relief from daily expenses. Ride the bus and quit complaining. You can't have cheap oil and reap the record profits too.

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